This chapter examines mistaken ways of measuring money, buildings, and people. Budget thinking dominates the view of money in most districts. This is necessary, of course, but not sufficient. Cost-per-student measures are needed when thinking about how fairly resources are shared. Revenue-per-student is needed to gauge the different costs of educating students with varied needs. Cost-benefit thinking is needed to relate the result of spending to its cost, a key issue for planners. Cost-effectiveness thinking is needed to identify waste, and to see if a district is getting a reasonable “bang-per-buck.” But the flawed evaluation of teachers is perhaps the most damaging blind spot of most districts. Teacher evaluations fail to account for the natural variation in teaching effectiveness that students see. The chapter closes with suggestions of internal metrics districts can create, including analysis of retention and attrition, and investment in professional development and return on that investment.
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Ellen Mandinach – Associate director for research of EDC’s Center for Children and Technology and director for research of the Northeast and Islands Regional Education Laboratory (NEIREL)