How to Avoid Misunderstanding, Misinterpreting and Distorting Data
Workshops offered
Improving the ability of your team to interpret schools’ vital signs
To help your leaders make the smartest decisions with the best evidence in hand. And to enable them to avoid the missteps that lead to mismeasurement. Workshops will be customized to your needs and delivered by our team either virtually or in-person. See for yourself the benefits our clients have enjoyed. Read their evaluations of our impact.
By the way, we’re well aware of the all-too-common hit-and-run workshop syndrome. To avoid the waste inherent in one-time professional development, our workshop proposals include on-going support and follow-up contact with each participant.
Measurement for planning, learning gains, enrollment, staffing, resources and more. Equity measures, including comparative analysis of discipline, grading and assignments.
Measurement for site planning, assessment interpretation, instructional impact, staffing. Also workshops on measurement fundamentals and assessment literacy.